Here goes my first real post...
So my wife and I went to see Indiana Jones the other night. Wow, what a complete and utter waste of $7 bucks (and this is coming from someone who actually liked-though not nearly as much as Raiders and Grail-theTemple of Doom). Are Lucas and Speilberg up in the night? The premise of the movie is not unworkable, aliens can be cool if done right (though few films do aliens right, Indepedence Day excepted). But of course they miffed it. Now I guess Im not so surprised at Lucas after the prequels to the original Star Wars series (those in charge of casting for the latter Star Wars trilogy should have been smacke across the back with a green willow). Spielberg, on the other hand has had too many successes to have let this one get by him.
Come to think of it, I have been disappointed in a whole bunch of movies for the past few years. Hollywood is on a serious dryspell. Way too many movies are ridiculous, sick, or just plain boring. If Speilberg can get away with a movie like the new Indiana Jones then there aint much hope for my movie going prospects!! Oh well. Se ya!!